There's a Better Way to Age.


How ‘God’s Vitamin’ Revitalized My Life & Restored My Health & Energy to Levels I Hadn’t Experienced in Decades!

By Dr. Allen Green, Product Formulator for NAN


  • Could This New Discovery Be the ‘Fountain of Youth’ We’ve All Been Searching For?

    Hi, my name is Eric and I want to tell you about an amazing supplement that I’ve been taking for over a year now.

    It’s my belief that I’m not exaggerating when I say this vitamin could make living longer a common occurrence in the near future – it is that powerful.

    Since I’ve been taking it I’ve seen my health improve… I’ve seen my energy skyrocket … and today I feel like a much younger, much better version of my old self.

    So please get comfortable and let me tell you a quick story about how Icelanders’ good health may have led to the health discovery of the century.

    But First ...

    Let me just set the scene by saying that a year ago – at the age of 68 – I was in very poor health. I had memory problems... I had high blood pressure ... I basically couldn’t move without being in pain. I felt pain in my back, in my hips, in my knees and even in my shoulders.

    I was struggling and honestly didn’t know if I would be able to continue living like I was.

    Then one night I was watching the television news show “60 Minutes” and I saw a report by Mike Wallace about a superfood in Northern Europe that has been associated with amazing health benefits but is still practically unknown here in the US.

  • Mike Wallace

    Reported on this superfood to millions of viewers.
    "I’m now convinced this is a historic medical discovery."

    That superfood is now being credited with the amazing good health of the people of Iceland. In case you didn’t know Icelanders enjoy lifespans that are among the longest in the world.

    Currently, the average life expectancy of an Icelander is 82.9 years, one of the longest life expectancies on earth. The deviation between men and women isn’t that far off either: 81.8 for males and 84.8 for females.

  • Many Media Organizations Have Caught on to What is Happening in Iceland

    • THE ATLANTIC magazine reported, “The small island country is ranked the healthiest in the world.”
    • NATURAL NEWS said, “Icelanders enjoy great health.”
    • THE BETTER LIFE INDEX said, “82% of adults (in Iceland) rate their health as very good.”
  • Now for decades doctors thought that Icelanders high intake of fish oil was their secret. But then a curious thing happened: a large group of Icelanders moved to Canada and continued eating diets that were high in fish BUT they did NOT continue to enjoy the same low rates of serious illnesses.

    This led researchers to take another look at Icelanders’ good health and they determined that it wasn’t their high fish diets but rather the Icelandic soil that was behind all the good health.

    The soil?

    That’s right, it turns out Iceland’s soil is extremely rich in sulfur and selenium – foods that deep-feed and rejuvenate your cells, potentially adding years of productive time to your life.

    This incredible discovery led Dr. Allen Green to create what is being called ‘God’s Vitamin’ because it may just allow humans to live the longer, healthier life that may extend up to what is promised in the Bible in Genesis 6:3.

    Green is an integrative healthcare family physician in the US with over 20 years’ experience in holistically oriented medicine. His creation in collaboration with North American Nutra is actually called Selenex GSH and the benefits it offers to users, especially seniors, are truly exciting.

  • Here Are a Few of the Many
    Those in Iceland Enjoy
    That Seem to Be Associated With Ingesting
    More Sulfur & Selenium

    • 80% fewer heart problems: Icelanders have fewer incidents because of a much higher oxygen intake.
    • 59% fewer hospital stays: An Icelandic health study proves they’re much healthier than we are!
    • 32% lower blood pressure: The World Health Organization confirms this life-saving reduction.
  • I Have to Say That I Experienced
    Great Benefits Myself!

    My memory improved and my aches and pains felt relieved.

    I felt younger and healthier. I began taking walks with my wife, which would have been excruciating before due to my knee and hip pain.

    I began playing much more with my young grandkids. Suddenly, I was “fun grandpa” instead of the “no fun grouch.’

  • I Must Tell You… I Could Only Smile
    Upon Reading All of This!

    I had been taking Selenex GSH for nearly a year at this point and I had seen firsthand the dramatic positive effect it had on my health.

    I used to get sick all the time but not anymore.

    I felt great.

    But I want to warn you that sulfur and selenium have been severely stripped out of our diets.

    Every day you use up your body’s sulfur supply, so it must be continuously replaced.

    If you lack sulfur, your cells can accumulate toxins, which can cause illnesses. The same is true for selenium.

    That’s why I strongly recommend that you start taking Selenex GSH. ’

  • Try SELENEX GSH today!

    Click Here to claim up to 2 FREE bottles of Selenex GSH.

    Use this exclusive link to redeem your special online offer.

After taking this supplement for a few weeks, I am feeling much better. It gives me more energy and strength.

Charlie E. Harmon - Verified Customer


I am getting better each day. I will continue using it for a long time. It works.

Margit G. Dawsonon - Verified Customer


After three weeks of taking this formula, I can honestly say that my breathing has improved (I hike and have exercise-induced asthma, especially in cold weather), as has my back discomfort. I move with much greater ease and flexibility. I would chalk this up to placebo effect, but neither problem has responded to anything else I’ve tried.

J. Panda - Verified Customer


I feel a difference for the better and my hair seems to be growing faster than usual.

Trudie Quinn - Verified Customer

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